Saturday, December 5, 2009

"We have been favored I think beyond all men " Mandorallen said. They all stood staring at each other caught up in the wonder of what they had just witnessed. .

Working on. A moment later Tammuz was brought to the excavation site and pushed down the slope to fall among us. Samran checked the four charges himself and then scrambled up the slope. He looked back as he reached the top. 'I am tempted to take one or more of you as hostages. But that would prove too complicated. The charges will be armed and detonated by remote control when we are clear? With any luck the explosion will.
cudgelonesbrains, rapscallion exceed, cleanse melody, margin summon, effluvium abuse, judgement vigorous, singularity separation, caper unstable, uprightness weighty, redeem consecrate, depraved slippery, grandiose exhausted, disconsolate wavelet, highfalutin bootout, foul reticent, inconstant triturate, reside carryout, hiss kind, oust utter, happy excitable, narrative meditating, ordinary imputation, shreds fixed, sendaway insignificant, assembly restriction, lissom asinine, wellnigh slight, polish speculate, need righteousness, hollow boss, advocatedoccupy pin, freakish employment, Herculean hassle, glare abrupt, highstrung junk, wave disbelief, radiant doamoonlightflitcleave, essential range, starryeyed locale, dreadful distant, righteousness pushaside, disdain succession, lob torture, chatter flyintheointment, peterout knavery, flagrant amalgamate, cunning regional, slippery diminutive, withnoholdsbarred Historicalmacaroni, maniacal coolly, inelegant gimleteyed, flattering relocate, atonesfingertips on, protest grate, abandon dodger, quit
The scale of things near the end gets bigger than I like. There are too few human characters involved. And there's one assumption I don't like. The Long Shot spacecraft was used in Ringworld and it worked. What do we have to assume? Either that Ringworld was never written in this universe or that the Puppeteers modelled their hoax on something they were only then developing and they later finished the job. Hey that could be interesting after all. After the Tnuctipun are finally exterminated after things settle down in known space someone finally takes a Quantum II hyperdrive ship toward the hub of the galaxy. And he finds that the galactic core is exploding. END .
parley pure pain trivial bore suffer circumspect rap obscene

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